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Posts posted by pj954

  1. Did call SoA twice, thrice including the one time when I had to hang up after more than 15 mins on the queue. Last time I spoke to them, they promised to call me back but they seem to be taking a long time to decide which is why I went ahead with the replacement. Did show the TSB to the second dealer I saw but he read it differently. Will continue to pursue. Thanks for the heads up!


    Wow, that's crazy. I wasn't on hold for more than a few minutes and our conversation lasted about 5. The memo sent out talking about the TSB clearly states in the second sentence I think it was, that a small stone can cause the crack and will be covered. I would continue and try to get SOA to cover the costs since the dealers failed, as they usually do with this from what I'm seeing on here and other forums. Wish you the best!

  2. Should've taken 5 minutes to call SOA, the Technical Service Bulletin covers the crack from a rock hit if it's in the bottom de-icer area. Like I said, I had 2 service writers say it was caused by a rock...WHICH IS COVERED! I don't think the service depts are reading the TSB, print the memo out which is in these forums, and JUST CALL if anyone else has this issue!
  3. Glad to join the discussion. Bought mine more than four months ago and have a little more than 3K miles. Late morning yesterday while travelling less than 30 mph, I heard a faint strange pop and it wasn't until a few minutes later that I noticed an r-shaped crack in the bottom middle section of the windshield. I took it to the neareast Subaru dealer and the service lady who looked at it said it was caused by a chip which I highly doubt. On second thought, the noise I heard earlier sounded more like glass crackling . First time this ever happened to me in my almost fifty years of driving. One thing I"m certain at the time it happened was that there were no immediate vehicles near or in front of me. The service lady gave me the business card of a third-party provider they use to replace windshieds. When I called, the owner said he'll call me back on Monday to let me know if it's in stock and will give me a more firm quote from his estimate of $540. Does it even make sense to call SOA?


    YES, call SOA and let them know what happened with your windshield, where the crack started and they will get your dealership information and give the service manager a call to bring your car in. If the crack started in the deicer area at the bottom, it will be covered by the service bulletin. You can probably also just print the file for the TSB info and take it to the service manager before calling SOA if you want.

  4. My dealership called me about 3 hours after calling SOA, the Service Mgr asked me to bring the car back in for him to look at the crack. As soon as he saw it, he asked who looked at it, I told him both service writers. He said that it was definitely covered by this warranty and they will get it taken care of. One of the service writers made the comment, "I guess we read the TSB wrong". I hope anyone else that has this issue doesn't take the first "no" lightly if you truly feel it should be covered by this warranty.
  5. I stopped by my dealership to have them look at mine, that started in the de-icer area, and has a small divot like it possibly got hit by a rock and quickly spread up and across the windshield. Dealer says it was caused by a rock and not covered. I've called Subaru customer service and explained it very well; they are going to call the dealer and get back with me Monday. I've seen others on here that were replaced that showed a picture that looks much worse than the small spot on mine where it started. Crossing my fingers!
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