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Posts posted by brohloff

  1. Agree w #33 post above re changing brake fluid every couple years. Is it good to do? Sure won't hurt but not really necessary.

    IMHO is sorta like changing engine oil way early (i.e. at 2000 miles like it used to be). Or like doing transmission fluid change early......

    Is it good to do? Yes...get better oil/fluid in car sooner..... Sure won't hurt but not really necessary.

    I might agree that changing the brake fluid at 100-120k miles (esp if it's been leaking and fluid has gone down and the air it's sucked in to replace the lost fluid is humid) is good....But earlier than that, again IMHO, is overkill.

    Not to belabor the brake fluid point BUT if one wanted to do some PM on the brake system that IS useful every year or two would be to lube the caliper pins and moving parts so that the pads continue to move freely. Hung up pads are hard on pads and rotors. Unlike the sealed brake fluid system these things hang out there in all that salt, water and grim and can use all the help they can get to stay free......

    Do I do this?...NO...Should I? Yes.....Too lazy/much work I guess....

    Sorry if too much TMI...

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