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Posts posted by peas

  1. My 3.0R wagon is getting a little long in the tooth now (~240km) and I'm looking to replace it.


    My options as I see them are a BP 2.0GT facelift with lower kms (wife isn't super keen on that) or the 5th gen 2.5GT. I have read that the 2.5na and the FA20 seem to have a higher than comfortable chance of developing CVT issues coming into the km range that I can afford (~100km mark). I'm not 100% on the styling when compared to the 4th gen but have seen some tidy ones around with contrasting wheels and a slightly larger but similar style to stock boot spoiler so its not a deal breaker for me. Manuals seem to be very rare and hence $$$ plus the wife can't drive them very well so I'm a bit stuffed on that front. These will all be a JDM spec which is the bulk of what we get here in NZ.


    Has anyone owned both of these or has anything that they really don't like/do like about the 5th gen that may sway me?

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