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Posts posted by RuskiTrombone

  1. oh, and we lived in a county area, not city. the sherrifs there really hated us andmade a point to stop us any time they saw us, and kept a very close watch for us doing stupid shit. that and gilbert cops had a real boner for busting teens for racing if they even passed another car when accelerating. they didnt even bother with speed references, they would tell the judges that our rate of acceleration compared to others was significantly faster and unsafe. i actually got out of 4 of those traps in court tho. i could probably type for days on the stupid stuff i did, got caught for and got away with, but its not really that interesting


    I bet the cops racially profiled you. Signed ~ KRB

  2. Derp - check with Ruskitrombone re his 19x8 Volk GTVs. He's practically giving those away, and they look awesome on the wagons.


    Mine SWP Wagon with GT-Vs. (18x8, +46)


    And, they color match beautifully, if you want to add some other color.


    I think part of my issue is I did not take good quality pictures. I need someone's car to fit them on and take some better pics. These rims with good quality tires should've gone for $1500+ in a heart beat. Yet I still have them in my garage and only asking for a grand or less.

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