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Posts posted by spike1167

  1. Like I said man, he’s got family issues and then I think with the virus it’s worse. As much as I hate to tell you, it’s not really the greatest of times to be doing this. I got lucky, he didn’t reply right away I think it was at least a month maybe a tiny bit more before he responded to my second email. He does this on the side, so it’s not like he’s always aware like he used to be. That’s why I also posted Brian at Auto Harnesses if you’re feeling impatient. I believe you can also email him directly



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I did not see that, much appreciated!

  2. Yeah I know was more hoping some else had spoken to him recently. But I'll be a little more patient with him.




    Thanks Chris yeah I emailed him waited a week and emailed him again, waited a few more days and emailed him from my work email in the off chance the two previous ones from my personal where blocked/ sent to his spam folder. I kind of want to support him as I have sent a few guys his way to get the harness and we should support the small local guys to this community.

    I'll give him a few more weeks hopefully he is doing ok and is just busy.


    Thanks again guys.


    I emailed him at the beginning of October and have yet to get a reply... Just to throw my two cents on the pile.

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