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Posts posted by turboSz

  1. ^Solid deal - I picked up my old Nexus 7 for $120 and it was used. If anyone is looking to put a tablet in their car, I highly recommend the Nexus 7. Easily modified and the internals are very easy to move around if you want modify the I/O ports.
  2. Very nice - love this look! In total how long did it take you complete the project? I've been wanting to tackle my headlights at the end of August to give them a fresh look and this is definitely the best I've seen! - Also are you going to all ohio subbie meet in columbus? If so, would love to see this in person and maybe get some insight on the project.
  3. I've had my 2013 Nexus 7 installed for about a month now, and things are going great. The only issue I keep having is that the sun hits the tablet VERY hard during the day, and I find that the tablet has shut down due to overheat protection very often.


    Anyone else experience this? How do you get around it? My options as far as I can tell are to use one of those windshield shades or always park in the shade.


    I wonder if a screen protector will reflect some of that heat away.


    Screen protector will not actually reflect the heat a whole lot. I have had my Nexus 7 in 105 degree heat before and never had a problem with it, but I suppose if yours is having a problem you could buy a heat sink fan like you would use on a computer (example...http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103065). I would mount this behind the tablet and fairly close to it so it's blowing directly on the back.


    I am not sure if you did this, but I rearranged the insides of my Nexus 7 so I no longer have a back on it. If you were to get a fan, pulling off the back case would help air flow get to the tablet. My tablet below for reference...


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