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Posts posted by rexnebula

  1. dark blue LGT, 05/06 outside of my work today when I was leaving, I work at SeaChange in Acton, in Nagog Park.


    Look like stock except for tinted tails and windows, didn't have the standard "GT Spoiler" - car looked nice.


    Anyone here?


    That was me, it's an 05. No real mods, just stage 1. My girlfriend started working for SeaChange a few months ago, since I work in Maynard I give her a ride most days. I'm usually waiting for her ~5:30-5:40 after work.

  2. So who's the RBP sedan I see every so often on rt27S in Acton during the AM commute (~8:30). Got the wave this morning, so I'm guessing you're on here.


    That would be me. For the last 3 years or so I would take Rt 2 to 27S to get to work, but my GF got a new job in Acton so I've been taking 119 -> 27S so we can commute together. Started noticing you around the time I switched the commute around.


    I don't post much around here, but I'm an active lurker trying to plan my suspension & power upgrades once the car is paid off.

  3. The salt/dirt on the front of my car was probably blinding you. Need to get it washed, but with another 8" coming on Thursday I think I'll wait.


    Thanks for the welcome. I've actually been lurking here for almost 3 years, since before I purchased the car. I just try and soak up as much information as possible, so when I go stage 2 I'll be well prepared.

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