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Posts posted by iamtheTrav

  1. so, long time lurker/first time poster. i'm the "proud" owner a of a 05 outback xt with a blown turbo. it blew during a road trip. i took it to a local shop in the middle of kentucky where it broke down, they claimed to know how to fix it. they blew a second turbo. so from both turbos blowing metal into the engine a subaru dealership told me that the car needs a new engine block/turbo/whatever else gets screwed up when this happens and quoted me like 6k to fix it. i still owe 9k on this car. they offered me 1k if i traded the car in and bought a new one from them. not really sure what i should do. i'm currently 300 miles away from the car and wasn't sure if i should get it towed here and looked at by a local shop. should i unload the car and try to absorb what i owe on the loan with savings/trading in our second paid off car. i'm over my head here and was hoping for some advice.
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