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Everything posted by scatman

  1. Yes deneb you gest right. One year we will get 5' another 5". I think the Seattle area recieved more snow than Ellensburg did last year.
  2. Oops, jees, just realized I need a proof reader....sorry. Of course before I bought one they just blended in with the country side.
  3. I"ll try to edit my location, that is difinatly state. Central Wa, to bo more precise, where the snow falls a little or alot, its anybodys guess.
  4. Holy crap I just realized I live in Subaru country. Every where I look there is a Subaru, old ones, and new ones, every other car is a Subaru. I'v already seen two other Legacy GT wagons since I purchased mine three weeks ago. Of course this always happens when you buy a new brand, but good gawd this town is lousy with em. We do get some pretty bad winters and I suppose people like the "all wheel drive" thing. Funny how I almost never see a used one for sale, and if I do, the seller asks and gets, top dollar. Oh well, maybe thats why I got one myself.
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