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Posts posted by ericem

  1. Anyone having issues with the transmission cooler lines leaking it appears to only be the lines on one side at every nipple it is like there is to much pressure... I did replace the filter just incase with no luck. I need to look again maybe there is a kink around the rad fan area where to hoses are run.
  2. anyone experience a shudder or shake through 1st gear flat out? It does it only when it's cold out I would say. I would say it is more audible than actually a vibration through the car. I keep thinking it is a rear diff or center diff issue.... Feedback? I will be doing a boost leak test tomorrow as there is a noticeable hiss and pshhh on and off.
  3. Also I have done learning view on a bunch of cars and they all pulled fuel. For some reason it is all positive quiete a bit I would think. Also want to add when I reset my ecu takes many cranks for it to start. I think there is a major vacuum leak would that make sense?
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