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Posts posted by QToo

  1. Automobiles are awesome. I just hope that we can continue to have some of these fine machines AND keep them unique. The subie boxer burble still warms my heart even though I have moved on to other rides. If they would ever bring back a true Leg GT with a manual, I would be all over it. Had an 05 5sp as an everyday driver, the perfect balance between corporate and boy racer.


    Been a while since I have been on legacygt. For those who have some funds and looking for lots of fun, saw this new Cadillac. CT-5 V Blackwing - 4 dr, 6.2 supercharged V8, 650 HP, AND, wait for it - a 6 speed Manual. Going to be a bit pricy, but certainly unique.


    Check out this write-up and go to the link for the sound clip as the car runs thru the gears before the Detroit GP last year.




    Happy Motoring.

  2. Sure but I'd be rather surprised if the 1.4 billion people in China were not generating [checks calculator] about 25x more pollution than the 60 million in Italy.


    If you try to tell a billion people they're not allowed to pollute at the same rate as the rest of the world, you're going to have a bad time.


    BTW, US carbon emissions per capita are about double China's.


    That very well could be the case for carbon emissions per capita in both countries. But me thinks that is not what we be lookin at on that picture. The smog being shown would appear to be related to heavy INDUSTRIAL pollution, the type where nitrogens, sulphurs, heavy metals and other harmful materials are emitted into the air, not typical carbon emissions. The Chinese reliance on coal energy probably accounts for a good portion of this. My point was that if we want to take a HUGE chunk out of the Global Warming issue, forcing China to correct their ways will give the WORLD the most immediate payback.


    Anyone have a similar before and after picture of the most polluted US city? That could be an AWESOME side by side to show the issue.

  3. hoax. real credible scientific evidence is always a hoax.


    I believe what this picture demonstrates is how awful the Chinese pollution problem truly is. If we need to be pissin on a country for their lack of response to environmental issues, a reduction in Bejing will give a lot more bang for the buck than Washington. The Chinese picture is clearly night and day on a GRAND scale, while the italy ones show a improvement but from a lot smaller starting point.

  4. The Celtics, and I am sure other teams, use "fan" plants in the crowd. Noticed it at several games that the same person was always dancing, but then would forget where their seat was and sit in an open seat. Not saying this is one, but looks a little suspicious, or maybe he is a theatre major, un-employed actor, or just "all jacked-up on Mountain Dew" ($9 beers).
  5. Here are two links that should work.






    As I am trying to diagnose this sound, another one has started. From memory, I believe it is the early stages of a throw out bearing going bad. Doesnt start until the car is warmed up and is then intermittent. I already had a TOB go taking part of the snout, replaced with a TS3K kit. Thinking maybe the lube on the snout is almost gone and after it get hot, starts to catch.


    I began the tear down process to get to the clutch area, and discovered a badly ripped CV boot that also needs to be replaced. Grease all over and probably gone. Not sure what sound this makes, constant or intermittent?


    Could I have hit the tri-fecta with a TOB, Center Diff Bearing and an axle?

  6. dvinke1, in your post, you had mentioned only two of the bearings needed to be done. Which of these from the list were they?


    Ball Bearing 806230170

    Radial Ball Bearing 806255010

    Roll Bearing 806322080

    Roll Bearing 806330120


    I am having some "airplane whine" as can be heard in this link. Not sure if yours sounded similar. Mine is an 05 GT and currently up on stands waiting for me to get some time.




    I am pretty sure that my TOB is going, but that is a separate noise.



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