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Posts posted by jahousafat

  1. This thread has answered most of my questions. I'm about to bring my car close to the magic 350hp factory 5-speed failure level. Would stiffening up all of these bushings be better or worse for wear and failure rate? I'll be upgrading the mounts and bushings anyways, I'm just curious. The other thing I'm not 100% sure on is just the part names. I've already got Whiteline sways, endlinks, and ALK, so call me crazy, but I'd like to continue replacing with Whiteline products when I can. When you guys say "power steering bushings" and "tranny mounts," is that Whiteline's equivelant to KSR207 steering rack and pinion mount and KTD901 gearbox positive shift kit? I realize those part numbers might not have existed 2 years ago when this thread was alive.
  2. I hope your friends' wife was ok. I'm not trying to be a dick. Old forum habbits die hard. There are situations where this mod would be a benefit and a detriment to everyone on both sides of the fence. I'm a single 27 year old male with a short fuse who wouldn't put up with someone trying to hitch an unwanted ride in my car. I'm sure if I had a family, I would consider your side of the fence a little more...... or I would make sure my wife had her cpl and knew how to use it.


    I did this mod yesterday, simply because I was tired of people almost ripping my door handles off trying to get in the car on the first chime of the unlock. It's one of those things that just grinds my gears. Same as how my mother and a few other women I sometimes ride in cars with, can't seem to figure out (when they're driving) that my door has yet been unlocked for several seconds after they're already sitting in the drivers seat.

  3. So for all of you one-button-press all-doors-unlock skeptics and haters..... what if your wife and kids took the car shopping in a perfectly safe part of town (because crime doesn't care what part of town you're in), when a dangerous criminal starts chasing after your loved ones. Your wife and kids start running for the car, as your wife is fumbling for the keys. She is frightened and trembling and tries to push the button twice, but the kids start yanking on the handles after the first chime of the door locks. The locks jam and the doors don't open like has happened to all of us numerous times, except now your family is left to the will of a madman. All because you didn't want to cut and splice a couple of wires. I'd rather my family get inside the car as quickly as possible and try to get away or press the door lock button once they were all safely inside.
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