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Posts posted by Misfire

  1. So, I ordered my VBG1 a few weeks ago, received it last Thursday, and installed it Friday the 19th. The install went well, with no major complications.


    Upon initial power up, the right hand OLED screen was inverted. I powered the unit off then back on and it was back to normal. The unit then ran perfect for three days.


    Last night I was going to show the unit off to some friends (figures it happened this way...). When I powered up, the left hand OLED screen was displaying garbled pixels. So I powered on and off numerous times, the left screen stayed garbled, both screens would randomly invert, and the right screen would sometimes display stretched out text and blackout.


    Frustrated I drove home. While doing so I got into some boost and the garbled pixels went away, but both screens were still inverted. When I got home I cycled it about 20 times and every time it came online without garble and in the proper orientation, but two times the right screen blacked out after a few seconds and when I pressed the top button the screen would come back online but inverted.


    Not sure if anyone has ever had issues like this before, I've read this thread in its entirety and don't recall anything more severe than the occasional misplaced power wire. I also know that no production line is perfect, there are bound to be faults at some point. It just sucks when you're the person that gets them. Hopefully it’s nothing major, and/or can be easily fixed.


    I will try and catch some pictures of the garbled pixels, and will post a crappy cell phone picture of the right screen inverted when I get home from work.


    TLDR: VBG1 random garbled pixels/inverted screens.


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