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Posts posted by subydude85

  1. I'd laugh if this is some poor kid's house and everyone shows up to a kids house or a person's house who wasn't actually having a party. It would be a pretty good hoax! Haaaa.




    I assure you that this is not the case. I posted this on about 8 car forums in the regionals sections to get more exposure as we want to bring a crowd. I also invited about 1500 people on facebook. I joined a couple car forums just to post this but you can check up on nasioc to see the same post, where my rep/cred is good as I have a somewhat high post count and been a member since 2006. And the other issue with the booze is people getting into accidents leaving then suing us. But Stick around for the afterparty, where those of age will be able to enjoy a keg.

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