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Posts posted by SurlyOldManMN

  1. Out of curiousity since i wont do this but its worth asking

    Does anyone forsee a downside or potential long term effects by doing this?

    And how would this react to a lwfw?


    Same "long term effects" as having a cable operated clutch. 1:1 input to response. For better or worse. Everyone makes mistakes eventually. So...



    At least you'll get solid feedback about it. :lol:

  2. #1 any tips on how to launch it properly, and


    You have to slip the clutch. It takes some practice to get the feel right. Practice trying to get the car moving from a dead stop without using throttle. Launching is pretty much the same motions/phases, just much quicker, and obviously with a hoof-full of throttle.


    #2 will the damper delete help this, or cause me to start breaking half-shafts?



  3. True FAS has visual indicators though, doesn't it? Eyes are usually spread far apart. I'm admittedly not all that educated on the matter tho.


    Yes, yes it does...


    That's one of several "compelling clinical reasons". I understand the social implications of such a claim and do not suggest the diagnosis lightly.

  4. I initially thought he was autistic. Could still be the case. I have compelling clinical reasons to think FAS over autism. Either/or doesn't change how I deal with him much. He just doesn't "get it" so it's no use trying to talk with him, and I don't have the heart to come down hard on him knowing he seriously doesn't get it. I can't even stay mad at him for long.


    His parents, OTOH... I have to not care or I'll be at their throat the whole day. It's not ok to let your kid assault people (including extremely old and extremely young) and wreck everything in sight because "that's just how he is and we're just glad he's alive". It's the all <insert-kids-name-here> show, all the time whenever he's anywhere, because otherwise he'll be under-supervised and literally kill something/someone/himself.

  5. Guess I'm still having some internal dialogs and getting my pronouns mixed up. My bad. ;)


    This is the one that was ripping artwork (like shadowbox displays filled with trinkets, not paintings) off the walls and attempting to beat a baby over the head with various objects while cackling uncontrollably when he was at my house last.


    Nothing has improved.


    Holidays are always... interesting.

  6. just saying... I mean, what's next????


    Do not ask questions for which you do not want to know the answers.


    The Mrs' side of the family has a tendency to not set boundaries for children. They also fail to do things like recognize their kid has FAS and sociopathic tells. It's a lot easier on me to just not give #$*%. Kinda hard if they're intentionally breaking YOUR kid's stuff. That said, that's why we don't bring anything of value (monetarily or otherwise) anywhere near a few select children.

  7. So my 6yo is starting to figure out the whole "currency/stored value" concept. He got to buy a toy at the store with his mom yesterday. First time he hasn't had exact change...


    The clerk went to hand him the change in the way we're all used to, upside-down fist with the fingers slightly extended, waiting for you to put your palm out so they can drop the change...


    Apparently, my kid saw that and immediately thought, "OH, I KNOW THIS ONE!" and proceeded to give the clerk a hearty fist-bump. Apparently he thought the clerk was agreeing with him on the awesomeness of his selected purchase. Seems he made the clerk's day.


    I have taught him well. :cool:

  8. Whenever I take my daughter to a movie, we usually take one of her friends, too. And we stop at a pharmacy to buy bulk candy at 1/100 of the theater cost and sneak it in. We never get anything at the theater.


    Why didn't I think of that! Snack mule!

  9. Just broke the news of moving to the 1820's farmhouse/business opportunity to the kid. She knew of the potential, but not that it was for sure happening. She is not happy. And, it pains me a bit to say... I don't care as much as I thought I would. She'll have her pick of amazing spaces in this home to make her own. She says she doesn't want to live in a museum, but we will all need to work to make it ours, not a museum. I can't freaking wait to move. I can't wait to have local mini-subie-regional event here. It is magical.


    The beautiful thing about being an adult now? She doesn't have to if she REALLY doesn't want to. :)

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