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Posts posted by karan1003

  1. Yup I did. Start on Monday, so I'm extremely busy right now finishing work on the LGT and getting settled in.


    There are some fun roads southwest of Madison. Take 151 past Verona


    Will do - this weekend in fact. If anyone's free on Saturday let me know and I can try organize a drive out there (weather's supposed to be a balmy 34 degrees).

  2. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_vx1Uh99P_jk/TUJL0Jfah7I/AAAAAAAABxE/Dq7C924f1e8/s800/P1120578.jpg


    Bought it one year used last summer - picture is from just after I bought it. It's bone stock, and aside from wheels and other knick-knacks, I don't think I'm changing too much (don't really like the roads around Madison).

  3. Where do the Madison people want to meet? I'm assuming we're doing Sunday.


    Also, on a side note, what are some nice driving roads near Madison? I spent some time out to the west near Arena and found some decent roads, but I'm always looking for more.

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