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Posts posted by Vicky_808

  1. It would be cool to have a meet for those of us in the Orlando and Tampa area.


    I know everyone can drive to Tampa.. Wait even better we can meet at a local place that is about a ¼ mile from my house..LOL


    No really it would be nice to have a meet someplace in the middle or maybe even have one there and then here or something like that.

  2. Thanks, we seem to always end up not following through with any meets we decide to make. Hell I think we've been planning on a Legacy meet for the past 6 months.


    I do drive up to Pasco every once in a while when a bunch of Subie owners meet up there on Sundays. Usually when there is a holiday on the following Monday.


    When my semester ends this winter, I may just organize something myself. Somewhere between Orlando and Tampa so that both groups will be able to join (yes that includes you Jon as well).



    If you do I am willing to come out..

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