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Posts posted by sukaboy

  1. I had read in the forum to rotate the bulbs 180degs.

    I thought I had tried that and it didn't work.


    In any case...I tried it again and it worked and looks great. I could tell even in the late morning sun (car was in the shade of the house still) that the LEDs were on. Now everything in the interior is LED.

    I can't wait till it gets dark!


    I did lose one of the small screws on the bottom of the HVAC control and one of the small dealer bulbs somewhere in the dash.

    Tried to find it but no luck. Even took the radio and everything out.

    Don't matter now. I just wanted the LEDs to work.


    LEDs that I used from SuperbrightLEDs.com

    3 | NEOx High Power LED Instrument bulb | $ 2.29 |

    Blue NEOx-BHP 3mm NEO3-xHP


    2 | 74-xHP3 Wedge Base LED bulb | $ 3.49 |

    Blue 74-BHP3


    4 | WLED-xHP5 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 5.95 |

    Blue WLED-BHP5


    for the 2 smaller wedge bulbs i had to bend the connectors a bit to make it snug.

    There's a bit of a hotspot on the Upper left side. The right side is really even.

    Not sure why.


    The NEO3 ones are hard to install. Just because of the location behind the HVAC control.

    The gauge cluster was easy. Just have to be careful not to scratch the right side of the dash.

    which I did a bit when I pulled it out.


    I noticed the the fan knob is not as bright as the other side, do they make a NEO3 longer than these?


    This thread was really useful.

    Thanks to all who contributed.




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