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  • Location
    Silverdale, WA
  • Car
    Stg. 2 08 Spec B
  • Interests
    Going Fast
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  1. I thought I was the only spec b owner with alot to say and a million questions. I recently bought a 2007 spec b. Was actually in the market for an sti but hated the hatchback on the 2008 as well as the low ground clearance, and could'nt find a 2007 sti closeby. Test drove the spec b and fell in love with it, but the more I drive it the more I want more power and the more I somtimes regret not waiting to find a n 07 sti. The more I read this forum and see all the available mods the more I see this car as a sleeper. You said you were handy under the hood. If you have any insight into the better mod choices, e.g. Cobb accessport v dpx, best exhaust upgrade, etc or just interested in sharing what you learn, would like to stay in touch.
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