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Posts posted by SubLGTaru

  1. ^ Same setup.


    I don't get flashed at all - maybe it's because I'm dropped on iONs, and thus, things are just a hair lower. It's also possible that the stiffer springs don't allow for as much front-end mobility, thus causing less "flashing" effect from roadway dips and irregularities.


    Also, it may have to do with the fact that my driving is city-oriented. With so much ambient light, I doubt that this particular bit of lighting increase causes anyone much discomfort.


    I haven't been flashed in a while. I notice it mostly when I am on a higher part of the road and oncoming vehicles are lower than me. Pretty much when that happens, my beams are right in their face.


    I will be dropped on swift springs next Tuesday, so that will probably eliminate future flashing from oncoming vehicles. Did you realign your headlights after you put the iONs on?

  2. My justification for getting these are for the back roads I drive on to get home and to work. I want to see Bambi better so I don't hit her.


    I live out in the country a bit and have cornfields on both sides of the road. So they're very nice for that. I also have the HIR Hi-Beams which paired with the OSRAM Ralleye lows, are very very bright.

  3. Only a handful of times have I been flashed by brights when I had my lows on with fogs. Doesn't happen very often at all. These are "special service" bulbs that are only supposed to be intended for off-road or race purposes, but I really don't care. They are nice and bright and are great at night and doesn't require you to stress your eyes as much when driving. Lights up the road perfectly. IIRC they are about 2100 lumens.
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