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Posts posted by strikethree

  1. If you are getting headaches, the first thing I would check is your eyes. Seriously. If you wear glasses, your prescription may have changed. If you don't wear glasses, your eyes could be fighting hard to maintain focus. If one eye has less acuity than the other, it will cause severe headaches.


    I did the hogzaust today and the noise is nowhere near as loud as my 92 Eagle Talon and it has no exhaust leaks. My Talon is MUCH quieter now that I added more exhaust system to the downpipes, but even with a good muffler, it is still louder than the hogzaust. At cruising speeds, I can barely even hear it.


    My 15 year old daughter (who loves my Talon) just kind of said, "meh", about the new tone. My friend (who built my Talon for me) agreed that it sounded meaner but I could tell he was trying really hard to be open minded about a mod that is not strictly for *performance.


    However, I have some interesting news about performance. I did not think it was worth it to do a before and after dyno run for it. That would increase the costs a thousandfold! But...


    My butt dyno said that there was at most, 8 lbs more torque. Most of that, I attributed to the new sound. I am like a kid with a bike who puts a clothespin and a card so the spokes click, so I figured it was probably ALL my imagination... but that may not be so. Read on:


    There is a stretch of private road just over a quarter mile long near my house. I have done several 3rd gear runs on it starting at 2000RPMS. I always top out at about 92MPH before I have to stop rapidly. An hour ago, I topped 100MPH. WTF?


    My car is mostly stock. There was some sort of aftermarket intake air filter in it when I bought it. The only change has been the hogzaust. There is no way bypassing the mufflers would create 10 extra MPH. I have no idea WTF is up. I am going to hook my Tactrix cable up again and compare a new third gear run with several older logs I have of the same run. I will post here again if I find anything interesting out. Very weird. (I bought the Tactrix cable for logging, I already have a badass car I can reprogram)







    Nothing evil to be found, as far as I remember (and I think I've read the whole thread!).


    I'm 36, and my wife actually said she LIKED the sound - made the car sound more aggressive. Asked if I could do something similar for her Mazda3. Had to tell her no, because the M3's exhaust is one piece from cat to tailpipe. Actually, maybe even from DP or exhaust manifold to tailpipe. I didn't want to actually make a permanent modification..


    Then again, I've found that, IMHO, most cars/trucks in CA are louder than I'm used to. Not sure if that's because most people opt for the "sports/performance" option/model, or whether they're just tuned differently (versus Ontario, Canada). Same Chevy Tahoe/Yukon definitely did NOT sound that loud in Ontario.


    So, now "Momo" just fits in better, rather than sticking out. btw, I'm at stage 0.5 (one relatively thick washer, passenger side only). Too much noise, and I get headaches. My brother-in-law and I made our own exhaust for my 2.0l16v Golf out of stainless steel about 10 years ago. Felt like it made an extra 15-20 hp up top, but MAN was it loud. Got a headache driving 15 minutes across town.. Had to stuff it with rock wool to quiet it down some.


    I have actually thought about undoing the Hogzaust, just to see if it's been causing the headaches I've been having as of late (don't think so - doesn't seem to be related to driving). That would be the only negative I could think of: if you're very sensitive to a little droning while cruising..



  2. Hahaha. I am 40. Let the kid inside of you live a little. Keeps the heart attacks at bay as you get older. :)





    So being a new owner, I went to Stage 2 Hogzaust this weekend. And I can say initially I was undecided, I mean I liked the sound, nice and throaty, but then my wife saw and heard the mod, and her comment was, "how old are you?" I then I realized why I was undecided and why I will probably go back to stock. I mean, I am 33 years old, and here I am modding something strictly for sound, no performance gain whatsoever. So for me, call me old, but I really want the performance, not the sound that goes along with it. I'll go buy a geniune turbo-back if I want one. This mod is simply all show, no go for me. Sorry.
  3. Yeah, I know. I am responding to something over a year old... however, my 2006 Legacy GT Limited feels quite stable over 100mph. It is stock (until I do the hogzaust mod that is).


    I wonder how far over 1000 posts this thread is now. :p





    They are really peppy in town, but do suffer from a "floaty" feeling on the highway (80+ mph). It gets tossed around at high speeds.
  4. Actually, I have just heard of this just now. Been reading this thread for three hours and it looks like I have another 8 hours of reading to go to finish it.


    I am going to do this tomorrow (assuming I find nothing evil in the later posts).





    Na - it'll be a failure like most of my other threads...i think the majority of people that have done it has posted, because they are so surprised it sounds so good.

    I bet there arent many who have done it, and not commented one way or another.

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