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Posts posted by Variant

  1. Look, I'm not trying to get into a pissing match on this public forum.. but Opie... the fact that I learned how to get around this problem that the LGT DOES HAVE does not mean that NOT getting around it is driver error. Driver error is trying to start from 0mph in 3rd gear. Driver error is NOT putting 50% throttle at 2000 RPM in second gear. This is NORMAL behaviour that LGT owners must avoid doing... and it is ridiculous.


    This stuttering problem is simply one of the issues this car has that most of us have to live with - however, that does NOT mean that it is acceptable behavior, especially considering other tuners have managed to tune out this problem.


    Cobb.. for example... here in Utah.. on 91 octane.


    So... shove it.. okay? Stop being a jerk that thinks all your customers just ruin their cars and can't drive at all and make things up. My car had the "fix" done from Subaru (Feel free to call Nate Wade Subaru and ask about a red GT with the fix done in the last week.. you are internal after all) and it has the same problem it has always had. The car is stock. ECU never reset. The fix is bull. Your response to the fix not working... is bull. I'd be really interested to find out what Subaru really thinks this fix was supposed to fix... because it does not feel any different than before.

  2. Opie... you really lost my respect with that post... making claims like that without even knowing what the majority of people really do with their cars. You don't ride with me... you don't know what gas I put in.. you don't know how many miles we have on our car.


    I have 11,800 miles on my LGT unlimited. It has had this problem since day one. I have used various top tier gasolines in it from here in Utah, where we are unfortunately limited to 91 octane. This is NOT MY FAULT.


    I have NEVER EVEN ONCE reset the ECU in my car. The only time it has been reset is when the dealer took it out last week to send it off to have this "fix" applied... which did NOT fix it AT ALL.


    Maybe the reason you don't feel it is because you learned to drive without causing it - I learned right after we got the car what not to do... and the car never stutters when I drive it. But... what about when I am trying to go easy on it and shifting at 2500 in first... and i end up just under 2000 in second... and I need to step on it to pass somebody in front of me that just pulled out? LUNGE LUNGE LUNGE LUNGE LUNGE SHUDDER SHUDDER SHUDDER... all the way to about 3500 rpm.. from 50% throttle!!! It is totally 100% completely ridiculous... ESPECIALLY WITH DRIVE BY WIRE...


    To fix this, they could just restrict throttle to the lower-non-whiplash-causing-throttle between 2k-3k RPM instead of allowing it to go to this 50% throttle crap that causes the surging! I would have been happy with that as long as it didn't affect normal full-throttle acceleration in first gear between those RPMs where it primarily doesn't happen because the gear goes by so quickly.


    Bottom line is... this problem is NOT related to fuel... it is NOT related to driver error... it IS related to the computer in the car.. and as much as I don't like Deer Killer's general attitude on this forum (*poke poke*), I have to agree with him on calling your post a bunch of bull. It is. You post about a "fix" for a recognized issue nearly the ENTIRE 2005 LGT COMMUNITY HAS and then... you call us a bunch of people using low grade gas and making the issue up? Honestly.. wtf?


    It is a good thing that the car is such a great value and that it has a great aftermarket because Subaru service absolutely sucks.

  3. So... I just got my car back from this "fix" ... and I definitely confirm what was said earlier by Dinglehoser....


    The problem is definitely NOT FIXED. I would go so far as to say that if it is ANY BETTER AT ALL, it is VERY MINOR... the stuttering/shuddering/surging (note the lack of the not-real-word "studdering") is just as bad as before the "fix." Lame.


    Honestly.. I wouldn't have wasted my time having this done if I had known it would be this ridiculous. Count another member going the Cobb route to fix this...


    Unless the ECU learns to not be stupid over the next couple hundred miles or so and this goes away (I'm betting it wont), my recommendation is this: Don't waste time having this done and missing your baby. I regret it.


    SOA!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: FIX THE PROBLEM FOR REAL!!!! DONT WASTE MY TIME! The Legacy 2.5i doesn't do it... at all. Period... why does the top of the line GT do it? FIX IT!!!

  4. Greetings all... I'm such a lurker haha! Anyway, I got my LGT 5MT back in the beginning of December (not sure of build date) and took it in yesterday to Nate Wade Subaru in SLC, Utah and the shop foreman (is that how you spell it?) took the car for a test drive on his own and duplicated the issue.


    After that, he had to send a fax into SOA with some data to see if the car qualified for the ECU reprogram, and they called me back later yesterday telling me that it did qualify.. so I took it in this morning and should have it back by Friday! You can bet that I will be posting results here... probably not until Friday evening.


    Oh, and they set me up with a Regal Blue Pearl (I think that is the color name?) Legacy 2.5i 4EAT ... its pretty nice! Of course, I prefer my baby... :D :D :D


    I test-drove a 5EAT LGT a few weeks back too... and it is an extremely nice car! Although, it just isn't a manual :D To each their own! My wife drives a stick! :D


    Anyway... POST RESULTS AS SOON AS YOU HAVE THEM, PEOPLE!!!! I will be on Friday night if the ECU gets back by then. Dealership said it would be late in the afternoon on Friday...



    Edit: Today being Wednesday... I should mention that I called on Monday afternoon after reading this post and the dealership knew all about this exact fix and they had me bring it in Tuesday morning to confirm it... way to go Nate Wade Subaru!

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