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Posts posted by lazybummm

  1. Just wanted to say thanks for this - really helped me narrow down my search. I had the same issue last week with my '05 (115k miles, NorCal, so heat, not cold, causing the aging). The hose going from the 1st to the 2nd nozzle/sprayer literally ripped in two as I turned it a little to see if there was a tear (after seeing a bit of water seep down).


    Symptoms: water was only spraying 4-6 inches up the windshield, and only 1/2 sprayers on the back (wagon hatch) were producing any water.


    6' of 5/32" ID Prestone brand hose from Kragen (like $4.xx) later, and it's all good. 6' of hose was about 12-16 inches more than needed to replace everything under the hood (starting from the 90-degree elbow at the edge). I replaced every piece, including the ones going to the nozzles, etc.


    The "mist" option (pulling on the stalk, instead of pushing the button) seems to have mysteriously stopped working, but pushing the button works better than it ever has..


    bringing this from the dead because I am having same problems. and I saw the mist on the stick and pulled it too think it might mist maybe? Took a few second before I realized, other cars have the single wipe too.

  2. Bring this thread from the dead...


    I just picked up a spec B and want to confirm a few things. I am considering two routes currently:


    FIRST, E85. It looks like if I want to go to a bigger pump to support E85 on a 16g with 1050x ID injectors (probably AEM 320/340 E85 pump), and possibly the Cobb Flex Fuel kit, what is the best way to accomplish?


    The DW pump wire kit, it directly wires to the battery, I don't need to connect it to any wiring in the car right? So it will be a independent of the car's wiring and the pump will just be on 100% duty at all times, correct?


    SECOND option, don't bother with E85 and then go with 16gb DW65c pump at some 750cc top feed injectors (or should I just go with 1050x anyway), and I don't have to worry about the pump wiring?


    Thanks in advance!

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