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Posts posted by targatop

  1. As for the comments on Sirius - I finally gave up my subscription. The sound is very compressed on certain stations. If you listen to a popular station they give it a lot of bandwidth, but the more obscure it is the less bandwidth gets dedicated and the worse it sounds. I've had XM and Sirius, and XM sounded much better. Even in my BMW with a dedicated tuner in the headunit - it sounds weak and compressed. It didn't used to, but it does now - I think they've modified the streams to accommodate for their new video services they are rolling out. I won't go back to XM because their service department stinks - and Sirius sounds bad - so no more Sat Radio for me for a while.
  2. Got mine this week and installed it today. It took a while to install but worked perfectly. I am using it with the Harmon Kardon Drive & Play for the iPod - but I noticed something during testing. If I use the HKD&P for audio output - it severly clips my output frequencies and the music sounds very tin-like without much bass. However, if I connect the audio input directly to the iPod speaker jack, turn it all the way up (mine's capped at 80% volume) it sounds FANTASTIC! So know I'm using the HKD&P for controlling the iPod, but have disconnected the audio out from in and plug in directly to the iPod. It works and sounds leagues better. Requires plugging in two cables but I don't mind for the added sound.
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