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Posts posted by Coelli

  1. Hey Underdog, I've been good! Just busy :) How about yourself? I'm gonna get all girly here and say I kinda missed you guys. ;)


    Vacca, my friend and I are meeting with our kids this morning (in fact I'm late and she's going to kill me) at the IHOP in Walpole, then heading back to my place for some Rock Band and Portal. I wouldn't be free until the late afternoon but if you're still in the area, let me know - I'll check in later when I'm kid-free.



  2. then i guess i will be seeing you more often then.. i have a full turbo back exhaust now.. magnaflow 4 inch exhaust... im sure you wont miss it.. if you dont see it you will surely hear it.


    I'll keep an eye out. :) My wagon's debadged, cleared headlights, dark tint, two white Hello Kitty decals, and at the moment, Blizzaks on stock rims. I'm usually on Route 1 between 9:00 - 9:15 in the morning, depending on how bad the merge at 95 on Neponset was backed up. It would be nice to spot an LGTer, I never even see the other two who live in the same town as me. :p



  3. Okay. AAAAAAANYWAY...


    ABP LGT sedan on Neponset in Norwood headed toward Canton this morning (Wednesday).


    Tuesday: Silver (specB?) southbound on Rt1 in Norwood in the AM.


    OBP wagon (!) on Washington in Canton on Monday evening. For a split second I thought it must be luvthesnow, but you were a wagon! <3 the wagon.


    Saturday morningish: GRP LGT sedan northbound on 95 somewhere between 495 and the 93 split.


    Go spot chicks in another thread, omg you guys are killin' me :p

  4. Spotted tonight: White Legacy at the Dedham Best Buy, debadged, stock grill and I didn't see a scoop; you came around the corner as I was parking and took a good long while looking at my car, which was pretty awesome. You drove that thing like it was a GT when you turned onto Rt. 1 southbound, at least. :)
  5. Red LGT sedan, no spoiler, parked outside a building next to mine off of Wall St. in Canton. I don't know if you live there and park there all the time, because I don't usually look that direction off my balcony. You're gone now though, I just looked.



  6. Silver LGT sedan headed south on Route 1 in Westwood/Norwood tonight. All I saw was that you had a baseball hat on... and that apparently you don't know that the stalk on your steering column is for the lights you're supposed to turn on when it gets dark. :)
  7. Black on black LGT sedan at the Walmart in Walpole yesterday.


    So I pulled up next to the car to write a note when the owner came out - shortish bald guy. I said (because I'm friendly and weird), "I was wondering who had such good taste in cars!" He said, in that nasally Boston accent, "Yeah, but you have the family ve-hicle!"


    Now, what I said was, "Yeah, but I get less tickets!" and then I drove away (he said something else but I didn't catch it). How should I have responded, in hindsight?


    1) That's what makes it a sleeper!

    2) Do you see a family in my "ve-hicle"?

    3) I hope that car helps you pick up chicks, because it's surely not your winning personality.


    He probably didn't realize the LGT comes in a wagon and the curb weight isn't that much more... but whatever. :D


    And if you're here... dude, would you have said that to a guy? :p Don't diss on my wagon!



  8. Holy spottings, Batman!


    These may be out of order and I can't even remember them all:


    Yesterday, ABP LGT sedan parked in the Petco/Outback parking lot on Route 1 in Norwood.


    Yesterday, OBP LGT sedan with spoiler on Washington St. in Canton headed toward Cobb Corner (lvethesnow, that you?)


    Sunday or Monday, silver LGT sedan on Neponset headed toward Canton. Near the viaduct.


    Monday, white 2.5i wagons were in season. Saw one in Sharon, you got on 95N too. Then another one going through the Brighton tolls on 90E later that evening.


    Plus a ton of 2.5i sedans over the past few days. It was weird, I usually don't see that many.



  9. White LGT sedan this morning on Route 1 in Westwood near Everett/University - 9:15am-ish.


    You were in the right lane, and I was 2 cars behind you in the left when the traffic stopped. Try, try as I might to get up to where you were to say hello, I was thwarted. Your lane moved, mine stayed stopped, and eventually you were lost in the distance as I wept silently and tried not to smear my mascara in my grief.



  10. So yeah, I guess I should be designated as official NELOC stalker or something. I left a note on the silver LGT on Neponset in Canton, MA on the way home today telling them they should stop by the forums here and say hi. :cool:


    I think I might go to Vistaprint or something and get cards printed up to stick under people's wipers when I spot them. :D



  11. coelli there is a Silver stock looking LGT that works on neponset st. right across from citco (right next to pizza works)


    So I looked and yeah, there it is, two days in a row now. I'd totally stop and leave a note but I don't want to deal with the traffic in the morning there. :) That must be the one I've seen driving, on his way there.



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