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Status Updates posted by MannyLegacy

  1. Yao Maing!!........................ Wud up??? :D
  2. Yo That's SICK dawg!! :eek:



    hahaha........ I was totally wondering what the heck you were doing in my "Hood" :lol: :lol: :cool:

  3. Yo Chris!!........ When did you get a LGT?? :iam::confused:








    EDIT: PS- ....... You're still Ghey!!! :lol:

  4. OMGHAI2U2!!! :D :D




















    Oh and also..........................



  5. Hahhahaa........... You my friend are one SICK PERVERTED BASTAGE!!




    ...... I knew there was a reason why I liked you! :lol:

  6. Yo Wud up mang!!??.............. I see you're part of the "small turbo humpers" group.



    Hows that working out for you? :dm:

  7. Geesh mang. I wish you the best at finding your a$$. I can recommend a good detective if you want! ;):D:lol:
  8. No worries mang!!........ you tell me when and we'll make it happen!! :D


    Just let me know as soon as you can.

  9. Yo what's up RC!!! :woowoo: :woowoo:


    Lemme know when you wanna roll down man!! I'm still waiting to hear from you!! :D

  10. Dang You Really are CHEY!!!!............... And don't look at me when I'm talking to you!!! :lol:
  11. Orale Carnal!!!................ What's the happs mang!!?? :D
  12. My Choad Will always be cleaner than yours my friend!!! :lol:
  13. FIRST!!!!............. hahahhaa.......... Well not in real life cuz we all know you're a Hoe-bag!! :lol:
  14. Yo!!!..........What's up Peter!?? :D
  15. Sup Boo-Boo Kitty F*uck!!!! Nada mang!!............ You where the hell is RC at?? I didn't get a number or anything from him. :iam:
  16. Sup You Eff'n $2 dollah WHORE!!!! :D
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