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Jeff in Cleve

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Posts posted by Jeff in Cleve

  1. I doubt I would pay $150 for a single update. If you do it yourself, It took me a total of maybe 45 min to download onto the USB and another 40-45 min to install in car, it's not very difficult, but if you are not comfortable doing tech stuff, remember there is still the smartphone interface which I think works really well, I use Apple Carplay and both the Apple and Google maps GPS are a good alternative. Very rarely, I did experience outage or "hiccup" that needed a reboot, but overall pleased.

  2. FYI, a new map update was recently released on Nov 9, 2022. I installed onto a USB with the downloader app on my mac (Monterey, which had a problem finding the USB drive in May from last update but works ok now!) Like the last update, it needs another unique activation code which you get by clicking on the activation code link in the updater, it opens a web page that you enter your request code for your vehicle (found under settings/navigation/software update on the infotainmement system in the car), it then generates a code that you can print out and bring to the car when you hit the install command from the map update, it will bring up a keyboard to enter this activation code.

    Kind a pain but it looks like it's dowloading ok now, probably will take the better part of an hour. Hope it goes smoothly for you!

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