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Posts posted by SwingBlade

  1. Hey folks!


    Me again! So while I was looking for something else in my owner's manual folder, I found the little poster-thing from the car's initial sale, which included its options package details. To my surprise, it listed "remote engine starter", which is news to me. I had considered having an aftermarket one installed in the past. How do I go about activating it? My girl just got a Tacoma, and it is activated by pressing the lock button three times on the keyfob. Is there something similar for the Subaru, or does it take a special fob?



  2. Hey folks!


    So I do a lot of long-distance driving, including a 700-mile road trip in a couple weeks. My 12v power plug works great, when it isn't coming loose, which is usually. I just upgraded my AA to wireless so I don't have that USB plug for keeping my phone charged. I got it in my head to install a permanent inverter, which is something I always wanted to do on my minivan when I was living on the road.


    My main issue is, I cannot figure out where to run the line from the battery into the cabin. I see the rubber grommets from the engine compartment, but I have not been able to find access to them short of apparently taking the whole dash apart, which is not my favorite option.


    I'm sure there are folks here that have done this or similar, so I'm curious what your attack method was.



  3. Hey folks, me again!


    One of my favorite features of my Civic was a digital speedometer. I know that the digital hud on my dash cluster sees the speed, based on it showing cruise speed. Is there some way to get it to show an active digital speedometer?


    Related, is there an aftermarket fully digital cluster I can buy and install myself?


    Finally, something I keep meaning to ask about. When I removed the oem stereo, the backup camera could not connect. Is there an adapter I can buy to connect back up, or do I have to get an entirely new backup camera setup? The stereo I have uses RCA connectors.


    Thanks in advance!

  4. How do you like the stereo? Can you post up a picture or two of it installed? Curious if it allows you to still use the cubby hole or if it blocks the vents (I've been thinking about getting something with a decent sized screen like this)


    No pics but it sits pretty comfortably between the vents without blocking them, though you're not gonna be aiming the opposite-side vent at yourself if that's what you're asking.


    As for the cubby hole, I don't have issues with the unit blocking, though I keep it slid higher just so it's more in my line of sight. The cubby doesn't have any sort of grip liner and is pretty slick, though, so I'd recommend putting some kind of liner in. Things tend to slide out of it, or maybe it's just how I drive lol

  5. USB's that are intended to be used as media inputs rarely support enough current to charge a phone faster than it drains, so I'd recommend using one of the 12v sockets with an adapter.


    That being said, it looks like your new radio can output 7.5w through both USB cables, so assuming you connected it to that, it should be enough to charge or at least maintain. There have been cases of very fast battery drain with certain versions of carplay - check for updates?


    Well it has two USB ports, one for Android Auto/Carplay, and one labeled USB/Charging. I have a USB-C connected to the Auto one for my Android, and hooked a lightning cable to the USB/Charging one for my girl to charge her phone while we're driving. She hooked up to it the other day while we were running around town and with the screen off it made decent gain, which was mostly what we were looking for. Still weird that the station phone drained out like it did, I guess I'm mostly just wondering if that is a data connection or pure charging, or if maybe that phone had possible been set to charge outward.

  6. Hey folks!


    So thanks to recommendations here, I went to Crutchfield, and bought the Boss BE10ACP. Lower-end model, but still way more than I ever expected to spend on a stereo lol.


    It took a few hours but I got it installed. Because I didn't want to have to completely deconstruct my car, I connected the hand brake safety to the ground wire as a bypass.It works, but there is significant whine when accelerating. I bought this:


    BOSS Audio Systems Ground Loop Isolator B25N noise Filter for Car Audio Systems https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000LP4RMG/


    Just installed it, but there does not seem to be any noticeable difference, the whine is still there.


    Any advice on how to resolve this?


    Also, unrelated, I set up an iPhone cable to the USB/charging port so my girl can charge while we're driving. Tested it on our engine phone, and it seemed to drain like 4% in a few minutes. Is it just not a good option for charging?

  7. Not sure if you have the nav headunit or not - if not, there are plenty of options - you can get a trim piece to go around the stereo, etc. from crutchfield and others (crutchfield packages most of their stuff with adapter harnesses, etc., or at least they used to)



    For the flip key, there are options on fleabay - here's one



    Thank you for replying! Re: the fob, where can I check the frequency of mine? I see another listing as 315MHz and another for 435MHz.


    Also, could you elaborate on what you mean by nav head unit? Mine is this one, I believe:



  8. Hey folks!


    I like my 2014 Legacy, but am not in love with the fairly dated head unit on it. I'd like to look into getting one of the more modern touchscreen setups, but need some info first! I've replaced head units in the past, so that much is easy enough. Before I mess around with taking apart the center dash to try to check, though, I was hoping to get info on what accessories I might need to swap out the stock unit. I am unclear if the head unit is built into the dash, and if so, would I need to buy a new, open dash piece? If not, would I need to get new brackets to mount a non-stock head unit?


    Also, I would like to look into getting a switchblade-style (flip?) key. I'm leery of keeping my keys in my back pocket due to previous keyfobs breaking from this. I haven't been able to find such a thing for the 2014 Legacy, but if anyone would know, it'd be the folks here!


    Thank you for your time!

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