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Posts posted by NJClark7

  1. Hello, I'm a first time poster to this forum but a Subaru owner for most of my driving life. Recently, had an incident with a hit-and-run semitruck totaling my beloved Subaru Forester 2003 X and long-story short, I'm in the market for a new Subaru. Actually, all things considered, looking for an affordably priced 1990s or early 2000s Legacy and was wanting to defer to your guys' expert opinions. Honestly, the mpg on these Legacies seems superior to my Forester and more importantly, the engines seem easier to work on. Am I mistaken or are these non-interference engines where timing belt jobs are not as severe as on the 2001+ Foresters? What about head gasket issues? Are these easier to fix on a 90s or 00s Legacy or the same as a Forester? Also, are used engines readily available to buy from Japan and drop-in to replaceme blown heads? Finally, any other pros or cons to my plan to buy one of these early model Legacies? Really appreciate the feedback and advice! Thank you!
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