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Robert L

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Posts posted by Robert L

  1. IMHO, change oil regularly, keep up on filters and plugs, and forget the rest. I know this portably is not a popular view as we all like to work on our cars but from someone who routinely puts 300,00 to 400,000 miles on his cars it has worked best for me. Hoses, clamps etc are designed to last a lifetime, or at least 10 years, in over 50 years of driving and working on cars, I have never had one burst.


    Also, again IMHO, oil analysis are a waste of money, as the results are not going to change what you do with the engine. For instance it they discover a high level of a wear metal are you going to rebuild the engine? There is a saying in medicine, that says, if the test results do not change your treatment plan, don't do the test.

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