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stock lgt brakes just saved 2 slednecks

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Just an hour ago my Dad and I were heading south from my office to where I live.


A few miles down the road we were passing the hospital. There is a light there and its on a bend on the road. There is a left turn lane and a straight lane. There was a person turning left and I was going straight. The light was green and had been since we came around the bend. The speed limit was 45 and 50 feet after passing the light it turns 55


So just before we hit the intersection we peg the gas starting at 35. The car learched forward then I saw the sledneck right in front of me1/10 of a second I jamb on the brakes. The car kicks ass. The brakes (which are the largest stock ever besides the sti brembos) saved 2 lives. My reaction time and the brakes saved 2 people from death. I still cannot believe I am not at the site of a horrific crash.


I turned around and the guy was parking his sled at the hospital. I told him he and his daughter should be dead and he said they should have been killed and he was crying. I told him I should call the sheriff but his lesson was learned the hard way.


I just thank god for my subaru and the fact that I do not have to live with that the rest of my life.


So complain away until you get your lesson on the subaru brakes and how good they work when you really need them



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I guess a sledneck is a snowbound redneck.


Instead of ATVs/beat up pickups on the streets they drive snowmobiles.


But I don't know if he means snowmobile when he says sled so maybe one of them gets off to push :lol:


edit: oh damn I was beaten

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